A Mechanical Engineer within the Silo, Shirley Campbell is a close friend and colleague of Knox and Juliette Nichols.
Throughout the Series[edit]
Early History[edit]
Shirley began working with the Salvage Team during her youth before she eventually transferred to Mechanical. She had a particular interest in salvaging technology that could be recycled and reused within the Silo. Shirley and Juliette Nichols would eventually meet when thirteen-year old Juliette left her father to work in the Down Deep.[1]
Later Years[edit]
When the Generator in the Silo becomes badly damaged and in need of repair, Shirley is among those that assist Juliette in powering down the generator and repairing it. Not long after, when Juliette is on the run from Judicial, she arrives in the Down Deep seeking help from those in Mechanical. Shirley helps her by rescuing her from the Silo's trash chute and harbouring her in Mechanical. Shirley is among those angry with Knox when he turns Juliette in and Judicial arrest her, citing that she was one of their own and Knox should not have given her up without a fight.