Relics are any objects or technologies that existed before the Rebellion, in the Before Times. Relics are strictly outlawed within the Silo and possession of such relics can lead to a citizen of the Silo being sent out "to clean". Relics are not limited to technology such as hard-drives, and simple objects such as a sweet dispenser are also relics and as a result, also outlawed within the Silo.
Judicial monitors the existence of relics within the Silo through their extensive database, which catalogues all of the relics found within the Silo, and the date they originate from. Sims remarked that this database was more extensive than that held by the Sheriff's department[1].
There appears to be some heirarchy to relics, categorised by colours. Those relics with a more serious category pose a more serious punishment if found. It is presumed that "red" relics are the most severe; this includes the hard drive Juliette found[2].
- Hard drive
- Amazing Adventures in Georgia: A Travel Guide for Kids
- Pez Despenser
- Video Recorder
- A watch given to Juliette by George (Eventually deemed legal)